Selasa, 10 Juli 2012

Heechul Oppa Deactivate His Twitter Account

Ini kabar buruk buat ELF, terutama Petals~~Heechul Oppa Deactivate His Twitter Account!! Dan ini karena ulah sasaeng fans yang udah bikin Heechul Oppa kehilangan kesabarannya ngadepin sasaeng fans. Dan ini terjadi tepat teng teng beberapa menit sebelum ulang tahunnya Heechul Oppa ㅠㅠ 

Awalnya kaget banget, gak biasanya Heechul Oppa ngetwit sampe panjang banget kayak gitu, terus nyoba-nyoba translate ternyata isinya semacam Heechul Oppa lagi kesel. 

Ini dia twitnya Heechul Oppa...

@Heedictator: 집 앞도 구청 앞도 쫓아도 오지마세요. 30살 먹고 좀 착해졌나했는데 난 안되나봐요. 교통사고 후유증이 아직도 남아있는데 매번 목숨 걸고 도망가듯 운전하는거 무섭습니다. 실망을 한다해도, 배 부른줄 알아야해도 전 목숨이 하나라 안되겠네요. 이해심 부족한 제 탓입니다. 그리고 잘 모르는 외국친구들한테 웃으면서 삥 뜯지마요 아저씨들. 웃으면서 애들 등 쳐먹는거 양아치 같으니까. 이 글을 마지막으로 이런 피해자가 또 나오지 않았으면 합니다. 1년동안 트윗도 안하고 조용히 살겠습니다. 1년 뒤에 봐요. 생일 축하해준 많은 분들 고맙습니다.

[Translation] Don’t follow me to the front of our house or the ward office. I thought maybe I’d become a little nicer after turning 30, but it seems like I can’t. Because there’s still a bit of post-accident trauma remaining, I’m scared of risking my life driving to escape (from sasaeng taxis) every single time. Even if I’m disappointed, and should know when to stop, because I have only one life to live, I can’t just let it off. It’s my fault, I lack an understanding heart. And (sasaeng taxi) ahjussi’s, please stop ripping off unknowing foreign fans, with smiles on your faces. Because living off kids like that while smiling makes you seem like a beggar. As a round-off to this tweet, I wish that there won’t be anymore victims like this. I will live quietly for the next 1 year without even tweeting. See you in a year’s time. Thank you to the many people who wished me happy birthday.

Okey, walaupun Heechul Oppa gak bilang secara spesifik itu sasaeng fans sama sasaeng taxi, tapi itu tepat menjurus ke situ kan dari kalimat di twit updatenya Heechul Oppa. 

Sasaeng fans adalah sebutan untuk fans yang abnormal. Kenapa aku bilang abnormal? Karena mereka terlalu terobsesi sama idolanya dan ngerasa pengen lebih dekat dengan idolanya dengan menghalalkan segala cara. Misal, ngikutin kemanapun idolanya pergi selama 24 jam 7 hari sebulan setahun *intinya nonstop*, melakukan teror lewat sms atau telpon, mencampuri privasi idolanya dengan membajak nomor ponsel atau social security number idolanya, masuk rumah sang idola tanpa ijin dengan membaja security number rumah itu, dan masih banyak lagi tindakan mengerikan para sasaeng fans. *Ntar aku posting ah tentang Sasaeng fans lebih detail*

Dan setelah dia nge-twit kayak gitu...sampailah akhirnya ELF terutama Petals dibikin shock gara-gara Heechul Oppa deactivate akun twitternya tepat beberapa menit sebelum ulang tahunnya. Kita-kita ELF sama Petals yang udah punya planning macem-macem dalam rangka ngerayain birthdaynya Heechul Oppa, malah jadi kalang kabut heboh sama keputusan itu. 

Semua sedih karena buat fans di luar Korea, media yang jadi perantara mereka buat bisa ngomong sama Heechul Oppa ya cuma Twitter sama Weibo. Untung Weibonya masih aktif, walapun gak tau juga Heechul Oppa bakalan update Weibo atau gak besok-besok mengingat dia bilang dia pengen hidup dengan  tenang selama setahun besok. 

Tapi gimana juga kita harus menghargai keputusan Heechul Oppa. Lagian kita patut kagum sama Heechul Oppa karena dia speak-up banget malem itu. Dia memperingatkan sasaeng fans sama taxi driver dengan cara yang tegas kalau menurut aku walaupun cuma lewat twitter. Bayangin aja gimana jadinya kalo Heechul Oppa ngomongin itu di depan muka mereka (I mean sasaeng fans sama taxi driver itu). Heechul Oppa kan kalo lagi kesel serem ㅋㅋㅋㅋ. Kita semua tau kan Heechul Oppa itu sharp-tongue ㅋㅋㅋㅋ *oops dijitak Heechul Oppa* mungkin itu adalah cara terbaik yang bisa dia lakuin, karena gimana juga Heechul Oppa seorang selebriti dan dia harus tetap menjaga image dia. 

Masalah sasaeng fans itu adalah salah satu masalah terberat buat selebritis Korea, dan banyak yang dibikin capek sama stress gara-gara Sasaeng fans. Jadi mungkin Heechul Oppa emang bener-bener butuh ketenangan selama menjalankan tugasnya sebagai Public Service Personel, makanya kita harus menghargai keputusan dia dan terus kasih support ke Heechul Oppa.

Satu tahun...iya Heechul Oppa janji cuma untuk satu tahun. Dan setelah satu tahun dia akan kembali. Jadi lebih baik kita menunggu dan banyak hal yang bisa kita lakukan sambil menunggu Oppa comeback lagi ke twitter dan Super Junior. Dukung Oppa apapun yang terjadi!! ^^

Let's give more support and love for Heechul Oppa!!! ^^
Heechul Oppa 화이팅!!!^^

Happy Birthday Kim Hee Chul Oppa ~^^~

Happy Birthday Kim Hee Chul Oppa 
I wish you a happy birthday. I hope you have a wonderful birthday this year and get more love from everyone, Petals and ELFs. May you always be healthy and successful in your life this year and the future.

You're 30 years old...But for us you are an Oppa, not an ahjussi. You are our beloved oppa. Forever young Kim Heechul??!! I think so ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 사랑해요 김희철! 우유빛깔 김희철 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ ^^

Please be heatlhy and don't get sick. You should eat regularly and take vitamins. Don't be too tired of worked. You must use your free time for plenty of rest. 

Although I have never met you, but I'm sure Oppa is good person, caring and lovely. And I hope so for ever. And I hope you will always care on all the Super Junior members like your own brothers as always. 

Kim Hee Chul is always cheerful. Kim Hee Chul is always open-minded. Kim Hee Chul is funny. Kim Hee Chul is always cool. Kim Hee Chul is always speak-up. Kim Hee Chul is adorable....And I want all of that will never change.

Believe it...We will always waiting for you. Petals will always wait for Kim Heechul. ELF will always waiting for Kim Heechul. And Super Junior member also will always waiting for Kim Heechul. 

Why?! Because Kim Heechul is a part of it all. Kim Heechul is part of us. And Kim Heechul is a part of me ^^ Because you can make me laugh and cry.

So believe us that we will be waiting for you. Do you believe it? You have to believe as we believe of your  promise. You promised us to return in two years with a better looking and more fun.

So, Happy birthday Kim Heechul~~all the best wishes for you. God bless you. 
ELFs miss you!! Petals miss you!! And I miss you too!!
ELFs loves you!! Petals loves you!! I love you!!

Sabtu, 07 Juli 2012

KPop Quotes ^^

"Everything will be good as long as you do your best. Because if you do, there will be no regrets." [SNSD Tiffany]

"Rather than becoming the best, I want to become a singer with meaning." [BIG BANG TaeYang]

"Facts, peace, and forgiveness, are things we need to achieve world peace" [Kyujong SS501]

"Don't depend on luck to solve problems." [Kyujong SS501]

"Don’t regret and keep challenging yourself!" [Kyujong SS501]

"We cannot judge people by their first impression." [Honggi FT Island]

"People’s advice on our weaknesses can be a way for us to improve.” [Hyuna 4minute]

"I like how another identity enters when I’m onstage.The more different u seem from your actual self,more attractive you appear" [Dara 2NE1]

"Do not let go your hope and keep on dreaming. Don't be afraid." [Younha]

"If you hypnotize yourself that everything will be fine&things will work out,then there's no doubt it will just become true" [Whee Sung]

"Unfist your small grievances so that a truly large fist may form." [Tablo]

"I definitely think that it’s not a far away dream as long it has that much passion and the passion…gives you responsibility" [Tiffany SNSD]\

"Don't try to be too attention-grabbing,just be more quiet" [Daesung BigBang]

"Think and always move forward!" [Jonghun FT Island]

"Everyone that works hard will succeed." [SNSD Hyeoyeon]

"Even if you fall down and tumble, do not give up.” [MBLAQ Thunder]

"It’s a very big dream, but dreams are suppose to be big, right?"  [MBLAQ Thunder]

"If your dream is alive, then one day it will come true." [Seohyun, SNSD]

Super Junior Sexy Free & Single Music Video

Setelah ELF dibikin penasaran maksimal sama teaser-teaser yang udah dirilis sebelumnya, akhirnya tanggal 2 Juli 2012 rasa penasaran ELF terbayar sudah, karena MV buat Sexy Free & Single dirilis sama SM Entertainment. Bahkan dalam waktu kurang dari 12 jam aja, MV Sexy Free & Single ini udah mencapai lebih dari 1 juta view ~~daebak~~

Minggu, 01 Juli 2012

Jaejong Oppa's Quotes

"No matter how hard life is, you are your own architecture. If you give up then there’s no one that can help you, but if you want to keep building your future, then no one can stop you either."

"I thought I was the strongest but like this, my humbled self is embarrassed for my appearance that has been endlessly caving in and is sorry to the many people who have been cheering me on..I had a lot of thoughts during that time I was reflecting on myself. Though they say I’m hurting because I’m still in my seems like it’s good if I hurt a little more.."

"Growing older makes me anxious. It scares me that time passes by quickly. And the days we couldn’t meet are increasing. I don’t like it that I’m getting farther and farther from my youth. I hate myself who thinks about these things..the feeling that I hate the most is that uneasy feeling of maybe not knowing that feeling of distance. I don’t know what I’m saying feel a lot of complex emotions. I don’t want to say that I’m living life just by breathing alone. I have to work hard. I must try hard."

"In reality, it’s romantic when you’re just dating. I like those without double-eyelids. A lot of people do surgery nowadays, but I like women who don’t have the double eyelids.“
It seems that as time passes by, my ideal woman changes. Before it was, ‘I like those with pretty hands and feet’, but it changed a lot now. I would like it if her personality was random. I like woman who push and pull [play hard]."

"The many moments where things keep piling on you. At that moment, you feel like you’re going to break, those times you become short of breath to the point of wanting to die.. If you look back, when those moments that were so short-lived come back to you again.. What should the me of the present moment do?"

"When a spot hurts, when you pinch another place actually the hurt in that place feels less. For instance, on a day after drinking heavily because of low spirits, I eat (to wake up) severely. I eat too much to the degree that my stomach hurts! I regret that moment thinking that I ate it for nothing and then I pay attention to the belly sticking out a bit. So then I work out. The method is that you have more of the meaningless thoughts and so you forget the actually important thing?"

"When you already know so much about yourself and when you have already spent so much time with people around you, the lies that you both can tell each other disappear."

"I listen to music wherever I am. I believe that music is connected to everything that I am. When I work on songs often I first meditate for an hour or two while listening to music. As I do so, sometimes I am able to write the lyrics first or sometimes an idea about the song comes up in my head in that moment."

"Think of hope the minute you feel miserable with your life. Take up the habit of finding joy in the smallest of things in life. The misery you feel now will be a strong foundation for your future and you will become someone with an invaluable life. Also, hold the hand of the person next to you. Don’t think that you’re the only one living in this world. Don’t grow your sorrow on your own and ask for help from the person next to you."

"I’m waiting for the black and red version.. somehow it feels like I’m collecting dragon balls…"

"You may love, remember, reminisce or or even hate but you can not take advantage of it."

"I used to think that the sky and earth were near each other. So I used to think that, no matter where I was, the people within my heart were never that far from me because we were living under the same sky and walking on the same earth. I wasn’t even lonely. For the first time, for some odd reason, I find myself feeling lonesome, as if I am watching my shadow getting uncontrollably farther away from me with the setting sun. World, tell me that it isn’t true. But because there is the light of the singing sun, I tell myself over and over again, “I’m okay. I’m okay.” Though I can’t see it, I can hear it. And I can feel it. We understand and love each other."

"Actually, it’s hard to explain what those two people are in my life because they mean so much to me. Nothing can compare to them. They’re kind of like my arms in a way. You can’t live without both arms, right? Like that, I’m able to live because I have both of them by my side."

"There are still a few rough patches to fix. But I can assure you that the problem wasn’t amongst the members. I believe there were lies and misunderstandings that surrounded us. Personally, I think that we could still straighten out all the misunderstandings."

"There are so many waves crashing down on us. Though the road we must travel down is so far and long, we must not stop.. The moment we do, we will be giving up on the road to becoming adults and we’ll fall into a bottomless abyss. Though we are just beginning to experience what it’s like to become adults, I want us to step into a bigger world that we can’t see yet with the best weapon we could hope to have, the fact that we are still young. Let’s all be strong^^ I’m always thankful!"

"I don’t feel hurt at all. I won’t show you me being hurt or sad anymore. I’m going to smile from now on."

"There are flaws in romance, but love is perfect."

"Love isn’t restricted by time because every minute and every second creates beautiful memories."

“Real men cry in their hearts”

Finally~~6th-Jib has Out \^o^/

Wow, akhirnya yang ditunggu-tunggu rilis juga!! Tepat tanggal 1 Juli 2012 jam 12 malem teng teng teng barengan sama Birthdaynya Leader-nim Leeteuk Oppa, ALBUM KE-ENAM SUPER JUNIOR AKHIRNYA DIRILIS ^^. 

Sexy Free & Single

Dan ternyata, ELF sedunia gak cuma ngerayain Birthdaynya Leeteuk Oppa sama rilisnya 6-th Jib, tapi juga suksenya lagu Sexy Free & Single nembus berbagai chart musik di Korea. Karena baru satu setengah jam release udah langsung masuk peringkat satu di Olleh sama Melon chart, ranking dua di Daum sama MNet, rangking 3 di Soribada, dan Rangking 4 di Bugs oh noooo~~~Teukie Oppa dapetin hadiah ulang tahunnya bener-bener deh ^^.

Super Junior 6th-Jib MV Teaser and The Highlight Medley

Setelah seminggu berturut-turut, mulai tanggal 20 sampai 25 Juni 2012 Super Junior merilis foto teaser untuk 6th-Jib mereka yang berjudul Sexy, Free & Single. Akhirnya Super Junior merilis Teaser buat MV Sexy Free & Single dan gak lama kemudia mereka merilis highlight medley dari lagu-lagu mereka yang ada di 6th-Jib ^^

MV Teaser for Sexy Free & Single

6th-Jib Highlight Medley

Super Junior 6th-Jib Photo Teaser

Ini album ke-enamnya Super Junior!! ^^ Yahoooo~~~akhirnya 6th-Jib dirilis juga ^^ dan saking excitednya niat banget nge-posting foto teaser buat 6th-jib. Nah, judul album ke-enam Super Junior ini adalah SEXY, FREE, & SINGLE, sedangkan konon katanya konsep foto teasernya adalah BEAUTIFUL MEN ^^. 

1. Eunhyuk

Photo teaser Eunhyuk Oppa dirilis tanggal 20 Juni 2012 dengan konsep Athena the Goddess of War, tapi ada versi lain juga yang bilang kalau konsep yang diusung Eunhyuk Oppa adalah Romeo. Hmm...tapi kayaknya menurut aku lebih cocok Romeo deh ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ.

2. Donghae

Teaser Donghae Oppa dirilis sehari setelah foto teaser Eunhyuk Oppa, yaitu tanggal 21 Juni 2012 dengan mengusung konsep Arthemys the Goddess of Moon, tapi versi lan menyebutkan kalau konsep Donghae Oppa adalah Juliet. Hahh...maksudnya? EunHae Couple gitu?! Eunhyuk Oppa sebagai Romeo, trus Julietnya Donghae Oppa?! Omooo~~mentang-mentang foto teaser Donghae Oppa cantik kali ya?! ^^ ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ.

3. Leeteuk

Teaser Leeteuk Oppa rilis tanggal 22 Juni 2012 yang mengusung konsep Zeus the Father of God, sedangkan versi lain mengatakan konsep Leeteuk Oppa adalah Serenity of Dark. Pas awal ngeliat foto teasernya Leeteuk Oppa bener-bener dibikin pangling sama transformasinya. Whoaaa...such a charismatic leader ^^.

4. Ryeowook

Foto teaser Ryeowook Oppa dirilis pada pada hari yang sama dengan rilisnya foto teaser Leeteuk Oppa, yaitu 22 Juni 2012 dengan mengusung konsep Hephaesthus the Goddess of Fire, dan versi lain mengatakan konsep Ryeowook Oppa sama dengan konsep Leeteuk Oppa yaitu Serenity of Dark. But, he's still cute, right? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ. 

5. Yesung

Foto teaser Yesung Oppa adalah satu-satunya foto teser yang diambil full-body-shoot ^^ yang kalo diliat-liat mirip sama peri hutan yang ada di film-film dongeng ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ. Teaser Yesung Oppa ini dirilis pada 23 Juni 2012 dengan konsep Demater the Goddess of Harvest, sedangkan versi lain mengatakan konsep Yesung Oppa adalah The Season dalam hal ini Warmth.

6. Shindong

Teaser Shindong Oppa rilis pada 23 Juni 2012, barengan sama Yesung Oppa dengan konsep Poseidon the Goddess of The Seas, dan versi lain menyebutkan The Season. Kalau Yesung Oppa tadi Warmth, nah Shindong Oppa kebalikannya, Cold. Tapi sayangnya, teaser Shindong Oppa sempet di bash, soalnya dibilang mirip sama foto teser salah satu member Bigbang buat album Alive. Nah, padahal sebelum Bigbang, gege Hangeng juga pake konsep freeze kayak gini juga. Jadiiiiii.......???!!! Gak perlu marah kan?! Hayoooo......ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ.

7. Kangin

Woww~~welcome back Kangin Oppa *hug Kangin Oppa* ^^ seneng banget akhirnya Kangin Oppa bisa balik ke Super Junior lagi. Foto teaser yang dirilis tanggal 24 Juni 2012 ini berkonsep Hades the Goddess of Underworld, atau versi lain mengatakan The Beast *omona* 

8. Sungmin

Foto teaser Sungmin Oppa rilis tanggal 24 Juni 2012 dengan konsep Venus the Goddess of Love, dan karena teaser Sungmin Oppa dirilis bareng sama Kangin Oppa, makanya versi lain bilang konsep Sungmin Oppa dan Kangin Oppa adalah Beauty and The Beast, dimana di sini Sungmin Oppa adalah The Beauty. Ahh, tapi emang iya pas pertama liat bener-bener shoking banget, dan komen pertama yang keluar adalah "Cantik bangeeeetttt...." jadi kepikiran pengen ngumpet pake ember deh ^^ ya kalii...masa Sungmin Oppa lebih cantik dari aku TT.TT *mojok sambil cakar-cakar tembok*

9. Siwon

Teaser yang rilis tanggal 25 Juni 2012 ini juga bikin iri kayak teaser Sungmin Oppa. Ternyata Siwon Oppa bisa cantik juga ya...^^...dan konsep yang diusung Siwon Oppa adalah Apollo the Goddess of Sun. Sedangkan versi lain menyebutkan kalau konsep teaser Siwon Oppa adalah Fantasy and Reality dengan Siwon Oppa sebagai The Human.

10. Kyuhyun 

Foto teaser Evil Maknae ini dirilis bareng sama teaser Siwon Oppa, yaitu pada 25 Juni 2012 dengan konsep  Hermes the Goddess of Commerce, dan versi lain mengatakan kalau konsep Kyuhyun Oppa sama dengan konsep Siwon Oppa yaitu Fantasy and Reality, dan Kyuhyun Oppa sebagai The Wizard.

Nah ternyata, karena ELF sudah bilang Believe to Promise, dan menganggap Super Junior itu 13 orang, makanya banyak ELF yang bikinin foto teaser buat Heechul Oppa, Gege Hangeng, sama Kibum Oppa. Bahkan teaser mereka ada beberapa versi~~~^^


